core values
The CBA supports autonomous, interdependent congregations committed to working in close partnership for greater ministry and mission outcomes, and working together to support, encourage, and pray for one another. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12), (Ephesians 4:16), (Nehemiah 4:6)
resourcing organization
The CBA exists to add value to the local church by resourcing them to accomplish their mission. (2 Corinthians 8), (Matthew 20:28)
future focused
The CBA recognizes the shifting challenges of reaching succeeding generations with the Gospel. Therefore, the CBA will be a future focused organization assisting its local churches to properly position themselves to evangelize and disciple present and future generations with a multiplication mindset. (Psalm 78:6), (Psalm 22:30), (Isaiah 43:18-10), (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)
The CBA recognizes the growing diversity of Rutherford County and the ultimate purpose of God for a people from every nation, tribe, people, and language worshipping together. Therefore, the CBA embraces our responsibility to engage and celebrate our ethnic diversity through existing and new churches. (Matthew 28:18-20), (Revelation 7:9), (Revelation 14:6-7)
kingdom focused
The CBA recognizes that God’s Kingdom agenda takes priority over personal, congregational, associational and denominational agendas. Therefore, the CBA will place kingdom advancement at the forefront of serving our local community in charity while preserving Scriptural and doctrinal truth that moves us forward in the gospel! (Matthew 6:31-33), (Acts 28:23, 30-31)